Source code for dtfabric.runtime.data_maps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Data type maps."""

import abc
import ast
import copy
import uuid

from dtfabric import data_types
from dtfabric import decorators
from dtfabric import definitions
from dtfabric import errors
from dtfabric.runtime import byte_operations
from dtfabric.runtime import runtime

[docs]class DataTypeMapContext(object): """Data type map context. Attributes: byte_size (int): byte size. requested_size (int): requested size. state (dict[str, object]): state values per name. values (dict[str, object]): values per name. """ def __init__(self, values=None): """Initializes a data type map context. Args: values (dict[str, object]): values per name. """ super(DataTypeMapContext, self).__init__() self.byte_size = None self.requested_size = None self.state = {} self.values = values or {}
[docs]class DataTypeMapSizeHint(object): """Data type map size hint. Attributes: byte_size (int): byte size. is_complete (bool): True if the size is the complete size of the data type. """ def __init__(self, byte_size, is_complete=False): """Initializes a data type map size hint. Args: byte_size (int): byte size. is_complete (optional[bool]): True if the size is the complete size of the data type. """ super(DataTypeMapSizeHint, self).__init__() self.byte_size = byte_size self.is_complete = is_complete
[docs]class DataTypeMap(object): """Data type map.""" _MAXIMUM_RECURSION_DEPTH = 10 def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type map cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ super(DataTypeMap, self).__init__() self._data_type_definition = data_type_definition @property def name(self): """str: name of the data type definition or None if not available.""" return getattr(self._data_type_definition, 'name', None) @decorators.deprecated def GetByteSize(self): """Retrieves the byte size of the data type map. This method is deprecated use GetSizeHint instead. Returns: int: data type size in bytes or None if size cannot be determined. """ if not self._data_type_definition: return None return self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize()
[docs] def GetSizeHint(self, **unused_kwargs): """Retrieves a hint about the size. Returns: int: hint of the number of bytes needed from the byte stream or None. """ if not self._data_type_definition: return None return self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """
[docs]class StorageDataTypeMap(DataTypeMap): """Storage data type map.""" _BYTE_ORDER_STRINGS = { definitions.BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: '>', definitions.BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: '<', definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE: '='} def _CheckByteStreamSize(self, byte_stream, byte_offset, data_type_size): """Checks if the byte stream is large enough for the data type. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (int): offset into the byte stream where to start. data_type_size (int): data type size. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the size of the byte stream cannot be determined. """ try: byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) if byte_stream_size - byte_offset < data_type_size: raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {data_type_size:d} available: ' f'{byte_stream_size:d}') def _GetByteStreamOperation(self): """Retrieves the byte stream operation. Returns: ByteStreamOperation: byte stream operation or None if unable to determine. """ byte_order_string = self.GetStructByteOrderString() format_string = self.GetStructFormatString() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none if not format_string: return None format_string = ''.join([byte_order_string, format_string]) return byte_operations.StructOperation(format_string)
[docs] def GetStructByteOrderString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ if not self._data_type_definition: return None return self._BYTE_ORDER_STRINGS.get( self._data_type_definition.byte_order, None)
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ return None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """
[docs]class PrimitiveDataTypeMap(StorageDataTypeMap): """Primitive data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a primitive data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. """ super(PrimitiveDataTypeMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._operation = self._GetByteStreamOperation()
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ try: value = self.FoldValue(mapped_value) return self._operation.WriteTo(tuple([value])) except Exception as exception: raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to write: {} to byte ' f'stream with error: {exception!s}')
[docs] def FoldValue(self, value): """Folds the data type into a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: object: folded value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the value. """ return value
[docs] def MapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ data_type_size = self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize() self._CheckByteStreamSize(byte_stream, byte_offset, data_type_size) if context: context.byte_size = None context.requested_size = data_type_size try: struct_tuple = self._operation.ReadFrom(byte_stream[byte_offset:]) mapped_value = self.MapValue(*struct_tuple) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: {exception!s}') if context: context.byte_size = data_type_size return mapped_value
[docs] def MapValue(self, value): """Maps the data type on a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the value. """ return value
[docs]class BooleanMap(PrimitiveDataTypeMap): """Boolean data type map.""" # We use 'I' here instead of 'L' because 'L' behaves architecture dependent. _FORMAT_STRINGS_UNSIGNED = { 1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'I', } def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a boolean data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type map cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ if (data_type_definition.false_value is None and data_type_definition.true_value is None): raise errors.FormatError( 'Boolean data type has no True or False values.') super(BooleanMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition)
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ return self._FORMAT_STRINGS_UNSIGNED.get( self._data_type_definition.size, None)
[docs] def FoldValue(self, value): """Folds the data type into a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: object: folded value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the value. """ if value is False and self._data_type_definition.false_value is not None: return self._data_type_definition.false_value if value is True and self._data_type_definition.true_value is not None: return self._data_type_definition.true_value raise ValueError('No matching True and False values')
[docs] def MapValue(self, value): """Maps the data type on a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: bool: mapped value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the value. """ if self._data_type_definition.false_value == value: return False if self._data_type_definition.true_value == value: return True if self._data_type_definition.false_value is None: return False if self._data_type_definition.true_value is None: return True raise ValueError('No matching True and False values')
[docs]class CharacterMap(PrimitiveDataTypeMap): """Character data type map.""" # We use 'i' here instead of 'l' because 'l' behaves architecture dependent. _FORMAT_STRINGS = { 1: 'b', 2: 'h', 4: 'i', }
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ return self._FORMAT_STRINGS.get( self._data_type_definition.size, None)
[docs] def FoldValue(self, value): """Folds the data type into a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: object: folded value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the value. """ return ord(value)
[docs] def MapValue(self, value): """Maps the data type on a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: str: mapped value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the value. """ return chr(value)
[docs]class FloatingPointMap(PrimitiveDataTypeMap): """Floating-point data type map.""" _FORMAT_STRINGS = { 4: 'f', 8: 'd', }
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ return self._FORMAT_STRINGS.get( self._data_type_definition.size, None)
[docs]class IntegerMap(PrimitiveDataTypeMap): """Integer data type map.""" # We use 'i' here instead of 'l' because 'l' behaves architecture dependent. _FORMAT_STRINGS_SIGNED = { 1: 'b', 2: 'h', 4: 'i', 8: 'q', } # We use 'I' here instead of 'L' because 'L' behaves architecture dependent. _FORMAT_STRINGS_UNSIGNED = { 1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'I', 8: 'Q', }
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ if self._data_type_definition.format == definitions.FORMAT_UNSIGNED: return self._FORMAT_STRINGS_UNSIGNED.get( self._data_type_definition.size, None) return self._FORMAT_STRINGS_SIGNED.get( self._data_type_definition.size, None)
[docs]class UUIDMap(StorageDataTypeMap): """UUID (or GUID) data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes an UUID (or GUID) data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. """ super(UUIDMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._byte_order = data_type_definition.byte_order
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ value = None try: if self._byte_order == definitions.BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: value = mapped_value.bytes elif self._byte_order == definitions.BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: value = mapped_value.bytes_le except Exception as exception: raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to write: {} to byte ' f'stream with error: {exception!s}') return value
[docs] def MapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: uuid.UUID: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ data_type_size = self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize() self._CheckByteStreamSize(byte_stream, byte_offset, data_type_size) if context: context.byte_size = None context.requested_size = data_type_size try: if self._byte_order == definitions.BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: mapped_value = uuid.UUID( bytes=byte_stream[byte_offset:byte_offset + 16]) elif self._byte_order == definitions.BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: mapped_value = uuid.UUID( bytes_le=byte_stream[byte_offset:byte_offset + 16]) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: {exception!s}') if context: context.byte_size = data_type_size return mapped_value
[docs]class ElementSequenceDataTypeMap(StorageDataTypeMap): """Element sequence data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a sequence data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. """ super(ElementSequenceDataTypeMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._element_data_type_map = None self._element_data_type_definition = None self._elements_data_size_expression = None self._number_of_elements_expression = None self._GetElementDataTypeMap(data_type_definition) if data_type_definition.elements_data_size_expression: expression_ast = ast.parse( data_type_definition.elements_data_size_expression, mode='eval') self._elements_data_size_expression = compile( expression_ast, '<string>', mode='eval') if data_type_definition.number_of_elements_expression: expression_ast = ast.parse( data_type_definition.number_of_elements_expression, mode='eval') self._number_of_elements_expression = compile( expression_ast, '<string>', mode='eval') def _CalculateElementsDataSize(self, context): """Calculates the elements data size. Args: context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context, used to determine the size hint. Returns: int: the elements data size or None if not available. """ context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) elements_data_size = context_state.get('elements_data_size', None) if elements_data_size: return elements_data_size if self._HasElementsDataSize(): elements_data_size = self._EvaluateElementsDataSize(context) elif self._HasNumberOfElements(): element_byte_size = self._element_data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if element_byte_size is not None: number_of_elements = context_state.get('number_of_elements', None) if number_of_elements is None: number_of_elements = self._EvaluateNumberOfElements(context) if number_of_elements is not None: elements_data_size = number_of_elements * element_byte_size return elements_data_size def _EvaluateElementsDataSize(self, context): """Evaluates elements data size. Args: context (DataTypeMapContext): data type map context. Returns: int: elements data size. Raises: MappingError: if the elements data size cannot be determined. """ elements_data_size = None if self._data_type_definition.elements_data_size: elements_data_size = self._data_type_definition.elements_data_size elif self._elements_data_size_expression: expression = self._elements_data_size_expression namespace = {} if context and context.values: namespace.update(context.values) # Make sure __builtins__ contains an empty dictionary. namespace['__builtins__'] = {} try: elements_data_size = eval(expression, namespace) # pylint: disable=eval-used except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to determine elements data size with error: {exception!s}') try: invalid_value = elements_data_size is None or elements_data_size < 0 except TypeError: invalid_value = True if invalid_value: raise errors.MappingError( f'Invalid elements data size: {elements_data_size!s}') return elements_data_size def _EvaluateNumberOfElements(self, context): """Evaluates number of elements. Args: context (DataTypeMapContext): data type map context. Returns: int: number of elements. Raises: MappingError: if the number of elements cannot be determined. """ number_of_elements = None if self._data_type_definition.number_of_elements: number_of_elements = self._data_type_definition.number_of_elements elif self._number_of_elements_expression: expression = self._number_of_elements_expression namespace = getattr(context, 'values', {}) # Make sure __builtins__ contains an empty dictionary. namespace['__builtins__'] = {} try: number_of_elements = eval(expression, namespace) # pylint: disable=eval-used except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to determine number of elements with error: {exception!s}') try: invalid_value = number_of_elements is None or number_of_elements < 0 except TypeError: invalid_value = True if invalid_value: raise errors.MappingError( f'Invalid number of elements: {number_of_elements!s}') return number_of_elements def _GetElementDataTypeDefinition(self, data_type_definition): """Retrieves the element data type definition. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Returns: DataTypeDefinition: element data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the element data type cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ if not data_type_definition: raise errors.FormatError('Missing data type definition') element_data_type_definition = getattr( data_type_definition, 'element_data_type_definition', None) if not element_data_type_definition: raise errors.FormatError( 'Invalid data type definition missing element') return element_data_type_definition def _GetElementDataTypeMap(self, data_type_definition): """Retrieves the element data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type map cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ element_data_type_definition = self._GetElementDataTypeDefinition( data_type_definition) element_byte_order = element_data_type_definition.byte_order if (data_type_definition.byte_order != definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE and element_byte_order == definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE and not element_data_type_definition.IsComposite()): # Make a copy of the data type definition where byte-order can be # safely changed. element_data_type_definition = copy.copy(element_data_type_definition) = ( f'_{}' f'_{}') element_data_type_definition.byte_order = data_type_definition.byte_order self._element_data_type_map = DataTypeMapFactory.CreateDataTypeMapByType( element_data_type_definition) self._element_data_type_definition = element_data_type_definition def _HasElementsDataSize(self): """Checks if the data type defines an elements data size. Returns: bool: True if the data types defines an elements data size. """ return ( self._data_type_definition.elements_data_size is not None or self._data_type_definition.elements_data_size_expression is not None) def _HasElementsTerminator(self): """Checks if the data type defines an elements terminator. Returns: bool: True if the data types defines an elements terminator. """ return self._data_type_definition.elements_terminator is not None def _HasNumberOfElements(self): """Checks if the data type defines a number of elements. Returns: bool: True if the data types defines a number of elements. """ return( self._data_type_definition.number_of_elements is not None or self._data_type_definition.number_of_elements_expression is not None)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """
[docs] def GetSizeHint(self, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Retrieves a hint about the size. Args: context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context, used to determine the size hint. Returns: int: hint of the number of bytes needed from the byte stream or None. """ size_hint = getattr(context, 'byte_size', None) if size_hint is not None: return size_hint context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) elements_data_size = context_state.get('elements_data_size', None) if elements_data_size: return elements_data_size if self._HasElementsDataSize(): elements_data_size = self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if elements_data_size is None: try: elements_data_size = self._EvaluateElementsDataSize(context) except errors.MappingError: pass elif self._HasElementsTerminator(): element_size_hint = self._element_data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if element_size_hint is None: subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) element_size_hint = self._element_data_type_map.GetSizeHint( context=subcontext) if element_size_hint is not None: elements_data_size = context_state.get('elements_data_offset', 0) elements_data_size += element_size_hint elif self._HasNumberOfElements(): number_of_elements = context_state.get('number_of_elements', None) if number_of_elements is None: try: number_of_elements = self._EvaluateNumberOfElements(context) except errors.MappingError: pass if number_of_elements is not None: element_byte_size = self._element_data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if element_byte_size: elements_data_size = number_of_elements * element_byte_size else: subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) element_size_hint = self._element_data_type_map.GetSizeHint( context=subcontext) if element_size_hint is not None: elements_data_size = context_state.get('elements_data_offset', 0) elements_data_size += element_size_hint return elements_data_size
[docs] def GetStructByteOrderString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ if not self._element_data_type_map: return None return self._element_data_type_map.GetStructByteOrderString()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """
[docs]class SequenceMap(ElementSequenceDataTypeMap): """Sequence data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a sequence data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. """ super(SequenceMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._fold_byte_stream = None self._map_byte_stream = None self._operation = None if (self._element_data_type_definition.IsComposite() or data_type_definition.elements_data_size_expression is not None or data_type_definition.elements_terminator is not None or data_type_definition.number_of_elements_expression is not None): self._fold_byte_stream = self._CompositeFoldByteStream self._map_byte_stream = self._CompositeMapByteStream else: self._fold_byte_stream = self._LinearFoldByteStream self._map_byte_stream = self._LinearMapByteStream self._operation = self._GetByteStreamOperation() def _CompositeFoldByteStream( self, mapped_value, byte_offset=0, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ # TODO: implement. def _CompositeMapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, recursion_depth=0, **unused_kwargs): """Maps a sequence of composite data types on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. recursion_depth (Optional[int]): recursion depth. Returns: tuple[object, ...]: mapped values. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ if recursion_depth > self._MAXIMUM_RECURSION_DEPTH: raise errors.MappingError('At maximum recursion depth') elements_data_size = None elements_terminator = None number_of_elements = None if self._HasElementsDataSize(): elements_data_size = self._EvaluateElementsDataSize(context) element_byte_size = self._element_data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if element_byte_size is not None: number_of_elements, _ = divmod(elements_data_size, element_byte_size) else: elements_terminator = ( self._element_data_type_definition.elements_terminator) elif self._HasElementsTerminator(): elements_terminator = self._data_type_definition.elements_terminator elif self._HasNumberOfElements(): number_of_elements = self._EvaluateNumberOfElements(context) if elements_terminator is None and number_of_elements is None: raise errors.MappingError( 'Unable to determine element terminator or number of elements') context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) elements_data_offset = context_state.get('elements_data_offset', 0) element_index = context_state.get('element_index', 0) element_value = None mapped_values = context_state.get('mapped_values', []) subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not subcontext: subcontext = DataTypeMapContext() if context: context.byte_size = None try: while byte_stream[byte_offset:]: if (number_of_elements is not None and element_index == number_of_elements): break if (elements_data_size is not None and elements_data_offset >= elements_data_size): break element_value = self._element_data_type_map.MapByteStream( byte_stream, byte_offset=byte_offset, context=subcontext, recursion_depth=recursion_depth + 1) byte_offset += subcontext.byte_size elements_data_offset += subcontext.byte_size element_index += 1 mapped_values.append(element_value) if (elements_terminator is not None and element_value == elements_terminator): break except errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError: context_state['context'] = subcontext context_state['element_index'] = element_index context_state['elements_data_offset'] = elements_data_offset context_state['elements_data_size'] = elements_data_size context_state['mapped_values'] = mapped_values context_state['number_of_elements'] = number_of_elements requested_size = byte_offset + (subcontext.requested_size or 0) byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {requested_size:d} available: ' f'{byte_stream_size:d}') except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) if number_of_elements is not None and element_index != number_of_elements: context_state['context'] = subcontext context_state['element_index'] = element_index context_state['elements_data_offset'] = elements_data_offset context_state['elements_data_size'] = elements_data_size context_state['mapped_values'] = mapped_values context_state['number_of_elements'] = number_of_elements error_element_index = element_index - 1 raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: missing element: ' f'{error_element_index:d}') if (elements_terminator is not None and element_value != elements_terminator and ( elements_data_size is None or elements_data_offset < elements_data_size)): context_state['context'] = subcontext context_state['element_index'] = element_index context_state['elements_data_offset'] = elements_data_offset context_state['elements_data_size'] = elements_data_size context_state['mapped_values'] = mapped_values context_state['number_of_elements'] = number_of_elements raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: unable to find ' f'elements terminator') if context: context.byte_size = elements_data_offset context.state = {} return tuple(mapped_values) def _LinearFoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ try: return self._operation.WriteTo(mapped_value) except Exception as exception: raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to write: {} to byte ' f'stream with error: {exception!s}') def _LinearMapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Maps a data type sequence on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: tuple[object, ...]: mapped values. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) elements_data_size = self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if context: context.byte_size = None context.requested_size = elements_data_size try: byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) if byte_stream_size - byte_offset < elements_data_size: context_state['elements_data_size'] = elements_data_size raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {elements_data_size:d} ' f'available: {byte_stream_size:d}') try: struct_tuple = self._operation.ReadFrom(byte_stream[byte_offset:]) mapped_values = map(self._element_data_type_map.MapValue, struct_tuple) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: {exception!s}') if context: context.byte_size = elements_data_size context.state = {} return tuple(mapped_values)
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ return self._fold_byte_stream(mapped_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ if not self._element_data_type_map: return None number_of_elements = None if self._data_type_definition.elements_data_size: element_byte_size = self._element_data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if element_byte_size is None: return None number_of_elements, _ = divmod( self._data_type_definition.elements_data_size, element_byte_size) elif self._data_type_definition.number_of_elements: number_of_elements = self._data_type_definition.number_of_elements format_string = self._element_data_type_map.GetStructFormatString() if not number_of_elements or not format_string: return None return f'{number_of_elements:d}{format_string:s}'
[docs] def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: tuple[object, ...]: mapped values. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ return self._map_byte_stream(byte_stream, **kwargs)
[docs]class StreamMap(ElementSequenceDataTypeMap): """Stream data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a stream data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type map cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ super(StreamMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._fold_byte_stream = None self._map_byte_stream = None if self._element_data_type_definition.IsComposite(): raise errors.FormatError('Unsupported composite element data type')
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ elements_data_size = self._CalculateElementsDataSize(context) if elements_data_size is not None: if elements_data_size != len(mapped_value): raise errors.FoldingError( 'Mismatch between elements data size and mapped value size') elif not self._HasElementsTerminator(): raise errors.FoldingError('Unable to determine elements data size') else: elements_terminator = self._data_type_definition.elements_terminator elements_terminator_size = len(elements_terminator) if mapped_value[-elements_terminator_size:] != elements_terminator: mapped_value = b''.join([mapped_value, elements_terminator]) return mapped_value
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ byte_size = self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize() if not byte_size: return None return f'{byte_size:d}B'
[docs] def MapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: tuple[object, ...]: mapped values. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) elements_data_size = self._CalculateElementsDataSize(context) if context: context.byte_size = None context.requested_size = elements_data_size if elements_data_size is not None: try: byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) if byte_stream_size - byte_offset < elements_data_size: context_state['elements_data_size'] = elements_data_size raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {elements_data_size:d} ' f'available: {byte_stream_size:d}') elif not self._HasElementsTerminator(): raise errors.MappingError( 'Unable to determine elements data size and missing elements ' 'terminator') else: element_byte_size = self._element_data_type_definition.GetByteSize() elements_data_offset = byte_offset next_elements_data_offset = elements_data_offset + element_byte_size elements_terminator = self._data_type_definition.elements_terminator element_value = byte_stream[ elements_data_offset:next_elements_data_offset] while byte_stream[elements_data_offset:]: elements_data_offset = next_elements_data_offset if element_value == elements_terminator: elements_data_size = elements_data_offset - byte_offset break next_elements_data_offset += element_byte_size element_value = byte_stream[ elements_data_offset:next_elements_data_offset] if element_value != elements_terminator: context_state['elements_data_offset'] = ( elements_data_offset - byte_offset) raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: unable to find ' f'elements terminator') if context: context.byte_size = elements_data_size context.state = {} return byte_stream[byte_offset:byte_offset + elements_data_size]
[docs]class PaddingMap(DataTypeMap): """Padding data type map.""" def _CalculatePaddingSize(self, byte_offset): """Calculates the padding size. Args: byte_offset (int): offset into the byte stream where to start. Returns: int: size of the padding in number of bytes. """ alignment_size = self._data_type_definition.alignment_size _, byte_size = divmod(byte_offset, alignment_size) if byte_size > 0: byte_size = alignment_size - byte_size return byte_size
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ return mapped_value
[docs] def FoldValue(self, value): """Folds the data type into a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: object: folded value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the value. """ return value
[docs] def GetSizeHint(self, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Retrieves a hint about the size. Args: byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context, used to determine the size hint. Returns: int: hint of the number of bytes needed from the byte stream or None. """ size_hint = getattr(context, 'byte_size', None) if size_hint is not None: return size_hint return self._CalculatePaddingSize(byte_offset)
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ return None
[docs] def MapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. """ padding_size = self._CalculatePaddingSize(byte_offset) if context: context.byte_size = None context.requested_size = padding_size byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) if byte_stream_size - byte_offset < padding_size: raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {padding_size:d} available: ' f'{byte_stream_size:d}') mapped_value = byte_stream[byte_offset:byte_offset + padding_size] if context: context.byte_size = padding_size return mapped_value
[docs] def MapValue(self, value): """Maps the data type on a value. Args: value (object): value. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: ValueError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the value. """ return value
[docs]class StringMap(StreamMap): """String data type map."""
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ try: byte_stream = mapped_value.encode(self._data_type_definition.encoding) except Exception as exception: raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to write: {} to byte ' f'stream with error: {exception!s}') return super(StringMap, self).FoldByteStream(byte_stream, **kwargs)
[docs] def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. Returns: str: mapped values. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ byte_stream = super(StringMap, self).MapByteStream( byte_stream, byte_offset=byte_offset, **kwargs) if self._HasElementsTerminator(): # Remove the elements terminator and any trailing data from # the byte stream. elements_terminator = self._data_type_definition.elements_terminator elements_terminator_size = len(elements_terminator) byte_offset = 0 byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) while byte_offset < byte_stream_size: end_offset = byte_offset + elements_terminator_size if byte_stream[byte_offset:end_offset] == elements_terminator: break byte_offset += elements_terminator_size byte_stream = byte_stream[:byte_offset] try: return byte_stream.decode(self._data_type_definition.encoding) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: {exception!s}')
[docs]class StructureMap(StorageDataTypeMap): """Structure data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a structure data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. """ super(StructureMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._attribute_names = None self._data_type_maps = None self._fold_byte_stream = None self._format_string = None self._map_byte_stream = None self._number_of_attributes = None self._operation = None self._structure_values_class = ( runtime.StructureValuesClassFactory.CreateClass( data_type_definition)) self._GetMemberDataTypeMaps(data_type_definition) if self._CheckLinearMap(data_type_definition): self._fold_byte_stream = self._LinearFoldByteStream self._map_byte_stream = self._LinearMapByteStream self._operation = self._GetByteStreamOperation() else: self._fold_byte_stream = self._CompositeFoldByteStream self._map_byte_stream = self._CompositeMapByteStream def _CheckLinearMap(self, data_type_definition): """Determines if the data type definition supports using a linear map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): structure data type definition. Returns: bool: True if a composite map is needed, False otherwise. Raises: FormatError: if a composite map is needed cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ if not data_type_definition: raise errors.FormatError('Missing data type definition') members = getattr(data_type_definition, 'members', None) if not members: raise errors.FormatError('Invalid data type definition missing members') supports_linear_map = True last_member_byte_order = data_type_definition.byte_order for member_definition in members: if (member_definition.IsComposite() or isinstance(member_definition, data_types.PaddingDefinition)): supports_linear_map = False break if (last_member_byte_order != definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE and member_definition.byte_order != definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE and last_member_byte_order != member_definition.byte_order): supports_linear_map = False break last_member_byte_order = member_definition.byte_order return supports_linear_map def _CompositeFoldByteStream( self, mapped_value, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) attribute_index = context_state.get('attribute_index', 0) subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not subcontext: subcontext = DataTypeMapContext(values={ type(mapped_value).__name__: mapped_value}) data_attributes = [] for attribute_index in range(attribute_index, self._number_of_attributes): attribute_name = self._attribute_names[attribute_index] data_type_map = self._data_type_maps[attribute_index] member_value = getattr(mapped_value, attribute_name, None) if data_type_map is None or member_value is None: continue member_data = data_type_map.FoldByteStream( member_value, context=subcontext) if member_data is None: return None data_attributes.append(member_data) if context: context.state = {} return b''.join(data_attributes) def _CompositeMapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, recursion_depth=0, **unused_kwargs): """Maps a sequence of composite data types on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. recursion_depth (Optional[int]): recursion depth. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ if recursion_depth > self._MAXIMUM_RECURSION_DEPTH: raise errors.MappingError('At maximum recursion depth') context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) context_values = getattr(context, 'values', {}) attribute_index = context_state.get('attribute_index', 0) mapped_values = context_state.get('mapped_values', None) subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not mapped_values: mapped_values = self._structure_values_class() if not subcontext: subcontext_values = {type(mapped_values).__name__: mapped_values} # Pass externally defined values. subcontext_values.update(context_values) subcontext = DataTypeMapContext(values=subcontext_values) if context: context.byte_size = None members_data_size = 0 for attribute_index in range(attribute_index, self._number_of_attributes): attribute_name = self._attribute_names[attribute_index] data_type_map = self._data_type_maps[attribute_index] member_definition = self._data_type_definition.members[attribute_index] # TODO: pre-compile condition condition = getattr(member_definition, 'condition', None) if condition: namespace = dict(subcontext.values) # Make sure __builtins__ contains an empty dictionary. namespace['__builtins__'] = {} try: condition_result = eval(condition, namespace) # pylint: disable=eval-used except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to evaluate condition with error: {exception!s}') if not isinstance(condition_result, bool): raise errors.MappingError( 'Condition does not result in a boolean value') if not condition_result: continue try: value = data_type_map.MapByteStream( byte_stream, byte_offset=byte_offset, context=subcontext, recursion_depth=recursion_depth + 1) setattr(mapped_values, attribute_name, value) except errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError: context_state['attribute_index'] = attribute_index context_state['context'] = subcontext context_state['mapped_values'] = mapped_values context_state['members_data_size'] = members_data_size requested_size = byte_offset + (subcontext.requested_size or 0) byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {requested_size:d} available: ' f'{byte_stream_size:d}') except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) supported_values = getattr(member_definition, 'values', None) if supported_values and value not in supported_values: supported_values_string = ', '.join([ f'{value!s}' for value in supported_values]) raise errors.MappingError( f'Value: {value!s} not in supported values: ' f'{supported_values_string:s}') byte_offset += subcontext.byte_size members_data_size += subcontext.byte_size if attribute_index != (self._number_of_attributes - 1): context_state['attribute_index'] = attribute_index context_state['context'] = subcontext context_state['mapped_values'] = mapped_values context_state['members_data_size'] = members_data_size raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: missing attribute: ' f'{attribute_index:d}') if context: context.byte_size = members_data_size context.state = {} return mapped_values def _GetMemberDataTypeMaps(self, data_type_definition): """Retrieves the member data type maps. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type maps cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ if not data_type_definition: raise errors.FormatError('Missing data type definition') members = getattr(data_type_definition, 'members', None) if not members: raise errors.FormatError('Invalid data type definition missing members') self._attribute_names = [] self._data_type_maps = [] self._number_of_attributes = 0 data_type_map_cache = {} members_data_size = 0 for member_definition in members: member_name = if isinstance(member_definition, data_types.MemberDataTypeDefinition): member_definition = member_definition.member_data_type_definition if (data_type_definition.byte_order != definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE and member_definition.byte_order == definitions.BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE): # Make a copy of the data type definition where byte-order can be # safely changed. member_definition = copy.copy(member_definition) = ( f'_{}_{}') member_definition.byte_order = data_type_definition.byte_order if not in data_type_map_cache: data_type_map = DataTypeMapFactory.CreateDataTypeMapByType( member_definition) data_type_map_cache[] = data_type_map data_type_map = data_type_map_cache[] if members_data_size is not None: byte_size = member_definition.GetByteSize() if byte_size is None: members_data_size = None else: members_data_size += byte_size self._attribute_names.append(member_name) self._data_type_maps.append(data_type_map) self._number_of_attributes += 1 def _LinearFoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ try: attribute_values = [ getattr(mapped_value, attribute_name, None) for attribute_name in self._attribute_names] attribute_values = [ value for value in attribute_values if value is not None] return self._operation.WriteTo(tuple(attribute_values)) except Exception as exception: raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to write: {} to byte ' f'stream with error: {exception!s}') def _LinearMapByteStream( self, byte_stream, byte_offset=0, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Maps a data type sequence on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. byte_offset (Optional[int]): offset into the byte stream where to start. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ members_data_size = self._data_type_definition.GetByteSize() context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) if context: context.byte_size = None context.requested_size = members_data_size try: byte_stream_size = len(byte_stream) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) if byte_stream_size - byte_offset < members_data_size: context_state['attribute_index'] = self._number_of_attributes context_state['members_data_size'] = members_data_size raise errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError( f'Byte stream too small requested: {members_data_size:d} available: ' f'{byte_stream_size:d}') try: struct_tuple = self._operation.ReadFrom(byte_stream[byte_offset:]) struct_values = [] for attribute_index, value in enumerate(struct_tuple): data_type_map = self._data_type_maps[attribute_index] member_definition = self._data_type_definition.members[attribute_index] value = data_type_map.MapValue(value) supported_values = getattr(member_definition, 'values', None) if supported_values and value not in supported_values: supported_values_string = ', '.join([ f'{value!s}' for value in supported_values]) raise errors.MappingError( f'Value: {value!s} not in supported values: ' f'{supported_values_string:s}') struct_values.append(value) mapped_value = self._structure_values_class(*struct_values) except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to read: {} from byte ' f'stream at offset: {byte_offset:d} with error: {exception!s}') if context: context.byte_size = members_data_size context.state = {} return mapped_value
[docs] def CreateStructureValues(self, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a structure values object. Returns: object: structure values. """ return self._structure_values_class(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **kwargs): """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ return self._fold_byte_stream(mapped_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def GetSizeHint(self, context=None, **unused_kwargs): """Retrieves a hint about the size. Args: context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context, used to determine the size hint. Returns: int: hint of the number of bytes needed from the byte stream or None. """ size_hint = getattr(context, 'byte_size', None) if size_hint is not None: return size_hint context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) attribute_index = context_state.get('attribute_index', 0) mapped_values = context_state.get('mapped_values', None) subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not mapped_values: mapped_values = self._structure_values_class() if not subcontext: subcontext_values = {type(mapped_values).__name__: mapped_values} subcontext = DataTypeMapContext(values=subcontext_values) size_hint = context_state.get('members_data_size', 0) for attribute_index in range(attribute_index, self._number_of_attributes): data_type_map = self._data_type_maps[attribute_index] attribute_size_hint = data_type_map.GetSizeHint( byte_offset=size_hint, context=subcontext) if attribute_size_hint is None: break size_hint += attribute_size_hint # A new subcontext is created to prevent the current state affecting # the size hint calculation of subsequent attributes. subcontext = DataTypeMapContext() return size_hint
[docs] def GetStructFormatString(self): """Retrieves the Python struct format string. Returns: str: format string as used by Python struct or None if format string cannot be determined. """ if self._format_string is None and self._data_type_maps: format_strings = [] for member_data_type_map in self._data_type_maps: if member_data_type_map is None: return None member_format_string = member_data_type_map.GetStructFormatString() if member_format_string is None: return None format_strings.append(member_format_string) self._format_string = ''.join(format_strings) return self._format_string
[docs] def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ return self._map_byte_stream(byte_stream, **kwargs)
[docs]class SemanticDataTypeMap(DataTypeMap): """Semantic data type map."""
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to fold {self._data_type_definition.TYPE_INDICATOR:s} data ' f'type into byte stream')
[docs] def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to map {self._data_type_definition.TYPE_INDICATOR:s} data ' f'type to byte stream')
[docs]class ConstantMap(SemanticDataTypeMap): """Constant data type map."""
[docs]class EnumerationMap(SemanticDataTypeMap): """Enumeration data type map."""
[docs] def GetName(self, number): """Retrieves the name of an enumeration value by number. Args: number (int): number. Returns: str: name of the enumeration value or None if no corresponding enumeration value was found. """ value = self._data_type_definition.values_per_number.get(number, None) if not value: return None return
[docs]class LayoutDataTypeMap(DataTypeMap): """Layout data type map."""
[docs] def FoldByteStream(self, mapped_value, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Folds the data type into a byte stream. Args: mapped_value (object): mapped value. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: FoldingError: if the data type definition cannot be folded into the byte stream. """ raise errors.FoldingError( f'Unable to fold {self._data_type_definition.TYPE_INDICATOR:s} data ' f'type into byte stream')
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **unused_kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """
[docs]class FormatMap(LayoutDataTypeMap): """Format data type map.""" @property def layout(self): """list[LayoutElementDefinition]: layout element definitions.""" return getattr(self._data_type_definition, 'layout', [])
[docs] def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to map {self._data_type_definition.TYPE_INDICATOR:s} data ' f'type to byte stream')
[docs]class StructureGroupMap(LayoutDataTypeMap): """Structure group data type map.""" def __init__(self, data_type_definition): """Initializes a data type map. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type map cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ default_data_type_map = None if data_type_definition.default: default_data_type_map = DataTypeMapFactory.CreateDataTypeMapByType( data_type_definition.default) super(StructureGroupMap, self).__init__(data_type_definition) self._base_data_type_map = DataTypeMapFactory.CreateDataTypeMapByType( data_type_definition.base) self._data_type_maps = None self._default_data_type_map = default_data_type_map self._GetMemberDataTypeMaps(data_type_definition) def _GetMemberDataTypeMaps(self, data_type_definition): """Retrieves the member data type maps. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Raises: FormatError: if the data type maps cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ if not data_type_definition: raise errors.FormatError('Missing data type definition') members = getattr(data_type_definition, 'members', None) if not members: raise errors.FormatError('Invalid data type definition missing members') self._data_type_maps = {} for group_member_definition in members: struct_member_definition = ( group_member_definition.GetMemberDefinitionByName( data_type_definition.identifier)) if not struct_member_definition: raise errors.FormatError( f'No such member: {data_type_definition.identifier:s} of: ' f'{}') if struct_member_definition.values is None: raise errors.FormatError( f'No values defined for member: ' f'{data_type_definition.identifier:s} of: ' f'{}') for value in struct_member_definition.values: if value in self._data_type_maps: raise errors.FormatError( f'Duplicate value: {value!s} for member: ' f'{data_type_definition.identifier:s} of: ' f'{}') data_type_map = DataTypeMapFactory.CreateDataTypeMapByType( group_member_definition) self._data_type_maps[value] = data_type_map @decorators.deprecated def GetByteSize(self): # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc """Retrieves the byte size of the data type map. This method is deprecated use GetSizeHint instead. Returns: int: data type size in bytes or None if size cannot be determined. """ return None
[docs] def GetSizeHint(self, context=None, **kwargs): """Retrieves a hint about the size. Args: context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context, used to determine the size hint. Returns: int: hint of the number of bytes needed from the byte stream or None. """ size_hint = getattr(context, 'byte_size', None) if size_hint is not None: return size_hint context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) member_identifier = context_state.get('member_identifier', None) subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not subcontext: subcontext = DataTypeMapContext() member_data_type_map = self._data_type_maps.get(member_identifier, None) if member_data_type_map: return member_data_type_map.GetSizeHint(context=subcontext, **kwargs) return self._base_data_type_map.GetSizeHint(context=subcontext, **kwargs)
[docs] def MapByteStream(self, byte_stream, context=None, **kwargs): """Maps the data type on a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. context (Optional[DataTypeMapContext]): data type map context. Returns: object: mapped value. Raises: ByteStreamTooSmallError: if the byte stream is too small. MappingError: if the data type definition cannot be mapped on the byte stream. """ context_state = getattr(context, 'state', {}) member_identifier = context_state.get('member_identifier', None) if member_identifier is None: subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not subcontext: subcontext = DataTypeMapContext() try: mapped_base_value = self._base_data_type_map.MapByteStream( byte_stream, context=subcontext, **kwargs) except errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError as exception: context_state['context'] = subcontext raise exception except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) member_identifier = getattr( mapped_base_value, self._data_type_definition.identifier, None) if member_identifier is None: raise errors.MappingError( f'Unable to determine value of ' f'{self._data_type_definition.identifier:s}') context_state['member_identifier'] = member_identifier member_data_type_map = self._data_type_maps.get( member_identifier, self._default_data_type_map) if member_data_type_map is None: raise errors.MappingError( f'Missing member data type map for ' f'{self._data_type_definition.identifier:s}: ' f'{member_identifier!s}') subcontext = context_state.get('context', None) if not subcontext: subcontext = DataTypeMapContext() if context: context.byte_size = None try: value = member_data_type_map.MapByteStream( byte_stream, context=subcontext, **kwargs) except errors.ByteStreamTooSmallError as exception: context_state['context'] = subcontext raise exception except Exception as exception: raise errors.MappingError(exception) if context: context.byte_size = subcontext.byte_size context.state = {} return value
[docs]class DataTypeMapFactory(object): """Factory for data type maps.""" # TODO: add support for definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_FORMAT # TODO: add support for definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_STRUCTURE_FAMILY _MAP_PER_DEFINITION = { definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_BOOLEAN: BooleanMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_CHARACTER: CharacterMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_CONSTANT: ConstantMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_ENUMERATION: EnumerationMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_FLOATING_POINT: FloatingPointMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_FORMAT: FormatMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_INTEGER: IntegerMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_PADDING: PaddingMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_SEQUENCE: SequenceMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_STREAM: StreamMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_STRING: StringMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_STRUCTURE: StructureMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_STRUCTURE_GROUP: StructureGroupMap, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_UUID: UUIDMap} def __init__(self, definitions_registry): """Initializes a data type maps factory. Args: definitions_registry (DataTypeDefinitionsRegistry): data type definitions registry. """ super(DataTypeMapFactory, self).__init__() self._definitions_registry = definitions_registry
[docs] def CreateDataTypeMap(self, definition_name): """Creates a specific data type map by name. Args: definition_name (str): name of the data type definition. Returns: DataTypeMap: data type map or None if the date type definition is not available. """ data_type_map = None data_type_definition = self.GetDataTypeDefinition(definition_name) if data_type_definition: data_type_map = DataTypeMapFactory.CreateDataTypeMapByType( data_type_definition) return data_type_map
[docs] @classmethod def CreateDataTypeMapByType(cls, data_type_definition): """Creates a specific data type map by type indicator. Args: data_type_definition (DataTypeDefinition): data type definition. Returns: DataTypeMap: data type map or None if the date type definition is not available. """ data_type_map_class = cls._MAP_PER_DEFINITION.get( data_type_definition.TYPE_INDICATOR, None) if not data_type_map_class: return None return data_type_map_class(data_type_definition)
[docs] def GetDataTypeDefinition(self, definition_name): """Retrieves a specific data type definition by name. Args: definition_name (str): name of the data type definition. Returns: DataTypeDefinition: data type definition or None if the date type definition is not available. """ return self._definitions_registry.GetDefinitionByName(definition_name)