Source code for dtfabric.runtime.byte_operations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Byte stream operations."""

import abc
import struct

from dtfabric import errors

[docs]class ByteStreamOperation(object): """Byte stream operation.""" # Note that redundant-returns-doc is broken for pylint 1.7.x for abstract # methods. # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ReadFrom(self, byte_stream): """Read values from a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: tuple[object, ...]: values copies from the byte stream. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def WriteTo(self, values): """Writes values to a byte stream. Args: values (tuple[object, ...]): values to copy to the byte stream. Returns: bytes: byte stream. """
[docs]class StructOperation(ByteStreamOperation): """Python struct-base byte stream operation.""" def __init__(self, format_string): """Initializes a Python struct-base byte stream operation. Args: format_string (str): format string as used by Python struct. Raises: FormatError: if the struct operation cannot be determined from the data type definition. """ try: struct_object = struct.Struct(format_string) except (TypeError, struct.error) as exception: raise errors.FormatError( f'Unable to create struct object from data type definition ' f'with error: {exception!s}') super(StructOperation, self).__init__() self._struct = struct_object self._struct_format_string = format_string
[docs] def ReadFrom(self, byte_stream): """Read values from a byte stream. Args: byte_stream (bytes): byte stream. Returns: tuple[object, ...]: values copies from the byte stream. Raises: IOError: if byte stream cannot be read. OSError: if byte stream cannot be read. """ try: return self._struct.unpack_from(byte_stream) except (TypeError, struct.error) as exception: raise IOError(f'Unable to read byte stream with error: {exception!s}')
[docs] def WriteTo(self, values): """Writes values to a byte stream. Args: values (tuple[object, ...]): values to copy to the byte stream. Returns: bytes: byte stream. Raises: IOError: if byte stream cannot be written. OSError: if byte stream cannot be read. """ try: return self._struct.pack(*values) except (TypeError, struct.error) as exception: raise IOError(f'Unable to write stream with error: {exception!s}')